Are You Buying a Business?


Buy with confidence

Sellers can be deceiving, revenue and profits often aren’t real. We dig past the financial statements and use our proprietary processes to ensure you can proceed with the transaction in full confidence.


We know where sellers hide things because we’ve been doing this for over 10 years. We cut through the b.s. quickly.


We can support any part of the deal process or focus strictly on due diligence to maximize your return on investment.


Our methods focus more on next year’s EBITDA because that is what you are buying!

Fraud & irregularities

Find 85% of major deal-breaking issues within 7 days, for confidence that your deal is solid, as opposed to ~4 weeks with most CPA firms.


We’ll show you how to leverage diligence findings to reduce purchase price. We save $100,000+ on average.

Peace of mind

Get the peace of mind in knowing that all critical areas have been combed through thoroughly, and that it will not fall apart a few years.


Embrace Our Unmissable Financial Services

We’ve helped countless buyers make better deal decisions through diligence, revenue growth, cost reduction, and opportunities to determine a target’s full potential. We welcome yours to be the next success story.


Are you an entrepreneur, individual or investor looking to buy a business?

This process can have many twists and turns that may not come out in your favor. You want to have accurate information on the EBITDA or Sellers Discretionary Earnings (SDE). You should be able to acquire a business with comfort that the numbers are solid and the seller is not fooling you. Your lenders and equity partners want and need the same. Good financial diligence provides you comfort that you’re not buying a bad business and risking your entire net worth on a personal guarantee.


Diligence is critical.